I am finally getting the chance to post about our special 25th silver wedding anniversary ......we had the most beautiful day and the party was perfection .....
Andrew and I were married on the 20th June, 1987 ....
and we have had the most wonderful life full of ups and downs but always together ..... sharing everything .... and the most important thing we have is our love and our three incredible, beautiful and talented children, Alexander, Dominic and Georgiana .....
I have some photos of our wedding day but I haven't had a chance to download them but these are the ones from our special night .....
we had our party at Delizie's restaurant and John and Gianni completely outdid themselves .... their work was superb and everything was perfect .... Marie and Louis themselves would have loved it!
the attention to detail was exquisite ...
The cake was done by Amanda and we asked for a replica of the cake from the film and she presented this magnificent creation.......
we feasted on an array of elegant cuisine including salmon mousse in pastry cornets, tiny petite venison burgers with caramelized onion relish, risotto in martini glasses, chicken liver pate, cheeses flown in from France, creme brulee, raspberry chocolate cups and my eternal favourite ...... Macarons in a mouth watering selection including one made especially for me ...... lavender!
John's beautiful creation for me "The Lavender Macaron"
Gianni, me, John and my lovely friend Tonya ....
Crystallized pears ..... divine ....
so beautiful and so perfect ....
Tonya and Gianni ....
My beautiful, gorgeous Mum(look at those cheekbones!) with Dominic who gave such an incredible speech .... we are so proud of him! Unfortunately, Alexander couldn't be with us as he is filming in Toronto but he sent us recorded messages which were so special.
My beautiful sister, Catherine, my stunning neice, Rachael who was so involved with the event managing .... and Mum and me ....
25 years Silver Wedding "The Happy Couple" Happy Anniversary my darling Andrew ...
I so wish you were all there ..... we did have fun!
best wishes always ......
love M.A. the 2nd ....