What is it about pretty cakes, delicate china and soft linen that makes us swoon? It is the feeling of a bygone era where time did stand still when you took tea... Where conversations and gossip where shared …. where the delicate art of sipping tea out of an antique cup was sublime.
We are all so busy and this tradition of afternoon tea sounds the perfect antidote for all of us! I made these cupcakes on Monday afternoon before I picked Georgiana up from school. I had worked all day and I just felt like baking something …. these cakes are a Donna Hay recipe … it took in all 40mins including cooking and I was so glad I did it… Homemade cupcakes for afternoon tea and it was perfect … with Georgie's hectic school and dance schedule Monday is the one afternoon where she and I can sit and take time for tea …..
The beauty of these cakes are that they freeze and refrigerate beautifully … I did a vanilla cream and jam filling and dusted with icing sugar ….
I just wanted to quickly show you the new upholstery on my Georgian chairs … love them!
more cupcakes
The beautiful Countess of Downton Abbey … currently watching Season 4 and loving it!!! Now those Edwardians new how to take tea!
Exquisite …..
Marie Antoinette took tea regularly and the Emperor of China was known to send her tea!
I am on a journey out west tomorrow to see a lovely country client and help her with the Homestead …. I am so excited as we are currently also doing the townhouse which is coming along nicely ….. time stands still in the country I am told … I certainly hope so! I think I should pack my riding boots as well and try and resurrect my riding skills! Have a wonderful Friday and don't forget to smile!