Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Designers Guild and Roses of the Day!

I have had a really busy day which is great but I still haven't cooked dinner ....guess what I am doing..... chicken and pea risotto again! I have my big boy home from Los Angeles (watch out.... the film he did in January is premiering at the LA film festival in June and I am one proud Mum!) It is an independant film not a studio film and Alexander is trying to get us tickets OMG! We are actually going to be there for it! He was in an Australian film called "Wasted on the Young" which hopefully premieres at the end of this year in Sydney and Perth ... so now I have to think of what to wear! But getting back to today..... I had to show you these gorgeous roses which I found just at the supermarket and I thought how beautiful and the colour is so rich. Also Georgiana had her first day back at school today after Easter break and I did her hair in two high plaits.... seriously it was hilarious she looked like Pippy Longstocking but she loved it! And my second son Dominic had me booking his Contiki tour for June and I am thinking where did that time go ... my second baby boy old enough to go on a Contiki tour around Europe! (He is working as an orderly at the hospital until he applies to NIDA at the end of this year like his big brother.....)

Then I just had to show you the new Designer's Guild wallpaper collection "Nabucco" which arrived on my doorstep. This one is called "Rhinesberg" and it is a very geometric/deco style collection ... a little bit like the Imperial Trellis. I love the pink/silver/black combinaton. Any takers?


  1. Thank you, dear. I wish I could see the see or better the ocean from my windows but all I can see is a dull countryside...Maybe One of my bathrooms will be inspired by the ocean...

    Hugs xxx

  2. What a lovely blog!

    I have just had a quick look at your previous posts and saw that you went to Montrachet when you were in Brisbane-isn't it wonderful!

    I am off to bed now but I can't wait to come back to have a look at your other posts.

    Best wishes,

  3. Good morning dear lady! Oh, a visit from you is such a treat! Thank you for coming to have a cup of my favorite tea, P.G. Tips! And yes, a couple of macaroons from Laduree, the colorful ones, would be most lovely!

    I am a little familiar with Carolyn Quartermaine's work and I need to look into it more; I just love French script on fabric and attempted to stencil a table cloth once for Christmas using French script in gold...it really came out quite nice!

    I am at school at the moment, but when I get to my own computer, I must put your blog on my list....you are so kind and your style is a breath of fresh, spring air!

    Thank you for your kind words and please, come back next time for a birthday celebration!

    Fondly, Anita

  4. Your Majesty,

    what a lovey post. I have never been one for geometic shapes to decorate, but looking at this one with the pink behind it makes me want to incorporate it somewhere in my home or studio perhaps:)) And merci my Queen for giving me a bit of credit for your crown inspiration!! That was so kind of you to give me a bit of credit for your new BEAUTIFUL crown above! Every Queen needs a crown, and you are the Queen! And Merci for your comment on your choice of gown for my Princess Royale!!

    Royal wishes,

  5. M.A.II

    Dearest, Designers Guild, ahhh, I adore her style - Patricia Guild that is - I have one of her older wallpaper designs in my dining room. Lime green/gold stripes! Fresh for 10 years!
    You did show some fabric by Carolyn Quartermaine, I can not believe it, since I did not see it and today I wrote just about her and my lace garden...
    We are thinking at the same time similar thoughts...

    Congrats on your son's work in the movie industry. So hard to do I am sure!
    And on all your others too of course!
    Having grown sons myself I feel how you feel: In awe about how they managed to grow up so fast and to be such wonderful independant young man...So much love for the children...

    Royal greetings!


  6. Zaira, Natasha, Anita, Daisy and Victoria....thankyou always for such beautiful comments! It is so special to receive special comments and I am most grateful as it gives me a zing in my step for the day....it makes me realize there are many of us like-minded souls out there and we all love the same thing! Have a great day!
    XXX Frances

  7. I love the wallpaper--pink and black so chic. Congrats on your son and have fun in LA! all the best, Barbara

  8. OH your Majesty, I forgot to mention that we have an award for you at LaPetitPlume.blogspot.com for you! feel free to stop by and click on the award, save and paste it to your blog and proudly show it off! You deserve it Queenie:))

    Royal wishes,
