Monday, April 23, 2012

Caribbean Coastal Chic

I just wanted to share a lovely project I have been working on at the coast .....

My lovely clients are originally from Trinidad and they wanted to remember their island home ....

so for their coastal apartment we went with a caribbean style .. with palm tree lampbases, Waverley "Coral" cushions,  Designers Guild stripe wallpaper and the most beautiful artwork by Kerri Shipp of
 with the coral being framed in floating glass so that the wallpaper would show through ..... my friend Dee helped me hang the artwork yesterday and it looks so beautiful ...

it makes me feel like sitting under a palm tree!  Have a great week!


  1. Just the soft clean elegant feel, so inviting!

  2. WOW! Your choice of colors and textures my sweet are as lovely as that calming blue water that I long for....oh how talented you are!

    Your birds are being finished TODAY!!! Off they go in the post, I hope, later this afternoon, if not, tomorrow. LOVE! Anita

  3. Just love all your choices. So peaceful and pleasing to the eye. Fiona

  4. I NEED a tropical beach vacation I think!!!

  5. I am sure your clients feel pleasantly at home! Beautifully captured!

  6. I love your design, Frances! I am sure your clients are pleased as punch! xo

  7. Very Caribbean chic - what exciting sounding clients!
    Happy Mother's Day for tomorrow Fran!

