Melissah emailed me as she couldn't believe there was another person out there who loved absolutely exactly the same things as she did! Even owning the same laptop! She wrote me this beautiful email conveying that she just wanted to communicate with someone else who loves what she loves! I suggested that she should start a blog as she was obviously very talented and passionate about so many things. So thank-you Melissah and I look forward to meeting you in October!
Here are the 15 blogs I would like to pass the award onto ~
~ Anita you are the sweetest person and always comment on my blog without fail and I find that loyalty and friendship so endearing! Also, your artwork is exquisite and I believe you will publish great works.
~ Karina you and I have become such friends without even meeting! We are so alike and your work with French antiques is outstanding! You have a gift my friend and a great strength that not many people possess.
3. ~
Lisa you were one of the first bloggers who I found and became so excited that you commented on my blog. Then we swapped recipes and the world seems all that much smaller. Your chic ability with interiors and the lovely way you go about your everyday life is awe-inspiring.
4. ~
Kit .... the Queen of French Provincial ... everything you do is so amazing from table settings to high end interiors in San Francisco.... it is a pleasure to have met you via blogging and to have had the pleasure of your seeing your work.
5. ~
Dear Marie .... you were so sweet to email me and ask if you could use my home on your blog which I was so honoured by! You were also one of the first to comment on my blog and gave me the recipe for the snow-effect which I think has become the best feature of my blog! You have such style and a great eye for detail.
6. ~
Greet your work and your family business are so inspiring and make me feel like I want to start designing classic cabinetry with all of the details. There is a serene quality to your designs that is so wonderful.
7. ~
Alexandra I look at your website and think how beautiful are these interiors with such style and elegance. You are obviously so dedicated and every detail matters.
8. ~
Fiona ... all you post on your blog is filled with such love and grace and a love for life! You have created so much and even started your own on-line store ..... congratulations!
9. ~
Tracey .. I am loving your work and interiors and also the restraint you show. Your refined interiors show through your blog and it is so lovely to see.
10. ~
What can I say Kellie ... your exuberance, your talent and your love of the simple things in life which make us happy and which you show through on your beautiful blog!
11. ~
Laura .... every time you post it is beautiful and fun and it makes me feel like there will be great things happening. You have a great eye and a lovely heart.
12. ~
Queen Daisy ... you defintely have the gift for transporting us to another place where we all feel like princesses! You gave me the inspiration for my crown motif and I thank-you so much for that. Your design work with stationary is stunning!
13. ~
Ruben ... you so deserve an award because your depth of thought and concern for our world and humankind is incredible. Your heart breaks when you see a disservice done and when justice is not served. You are so inspiring!
14. ~
Always so chic and fun and always inspirational. Thank-you for giving me so many ideas and feeling like I can achieve anything!
15. ~
Kristin your camera catches the most amazing and breathtaking images! So beautiful and your images particularly of France and Laduree had me at "Hello"! Thank-you for your inspiration!
I would also just like to make an honourable mention to as I have enjoyed her posts so much and can't believe how much Tina fits into her posts. Tina I know you got this same award from Melissah but I just wanted to mention you as well! The house is looking amazing and we are all so excited and waiting with anticipation!
7 Things About Me ~
~ I dream of one day finishing my two books and having them published!
~ I have always felt that I have been born in the wrong era and that I belonged in another century!
~ I always feel like I have never quite achieved enough and that there aren't enough days to achieve everything!
~ I believe the greatest gift you can give someone is to listen to them and to believe in them!
~ I am obsessed with crowns and the 18th century!
~ I would love to ride in the French countryside in full equestrian kit!
~ I love getting into my pyjamas and watching movies with my beautiful family!
my best wishes always
M.A. the 2nd

Thank you so much for this! You are so sweet. Melissah is a great person too, and love her sense of style and living a beautiful life! I can't believe you too feel like you were born in the wrong era! ME TOO! You want to finish/write books..ME TOO! No wonder I like you, we are kindred sprits! Congrats on the award, its so well deserved and thanks for your kind words:)
My precious friend,
I am so truly honored that you would mention me here. I look at your list of things about you and I have to say that I agree with each one. I believe YOU WILL PUBLISH ONE DAY for your exquisite taste has a place in this world of magical books that not only allow us to dream but to see what is possible and then make it happen. THANK YOU SO MUCH; I receive this with great humility and yes, I do hope that things transpire for us both. There seems to be a glimmer of hope for me so far, as far as a different path to help me get started in my writing and art, but it will take TIME and some work in preparing or rather setting myself up. More on that as/if things transpire.
I LOVE YOUR NEW HEADER!!!! Oh my dearest, I do not believe I have ever sent you any of my art work. Please email me:
I would like to send you something.....MERCI MILLE FOIS, Anita
You deserve this recognition. You bring such love to your blog and it is felt by your readers. I cook your recipe all the time and it is a staple in my household, as I told will always be our Christmas Eve dinner since last year. Isn't blogging great? Bringing like minds together, even despite the distance. I appreciate your kinds words. XOXO.
My sweet Francess,
Thank you so much for passing on this award to Belgian Pearls and for your kind words about my work! I really appreciate this a lot! I feel so honored!
Congratultions Franny - You and your beautiful blog SO deserve this LOVELY award!
How lucky are we - your hometown friends - to be able to tell all your special blog friends that not only are you keepin' it Lovely but also you're keepin' it Real.
Not only is this one Lovely Blog for us to share ....... but Loveliness, everyday, is your Truth!
Bravo dear one,
Love Tonya x
Thank you sweetes francess, I feel honored, always nice to visit your inspirational page, you have such à lovely taste yourself :)) wish you à wonderful day / Marie
Ps..the Link to My Blog is wrong,its dreamlifeincity :))
Hi Frances, I don't know how I missed this one - I was just going back through your old posts. Thanks for the kind words - you really have changed my world. Blogging has made me very happy (slighlty more obsessed) and my dreams everynight are filled with beautiful things...bizarre. I enjoyed your 7 things & look forward to hearing about them in more detail in October eg. the books. You took a lot of time to make lovely comments on everyone's blog so I look forward to checking out a few new blogs that inspire you and no doubt will inspire me too!
What a sweet award to for yourself and the mentioned honored blogs!
I love them all!
Long live creativity and beauty! Thanks for the inspirations!
Dear sweet Franny,
Thank you so much for this honor. I cannot begin to tell you how much has been going on for me in the last month... am so sorry I missed this in August! What a lovely way you have described moi (blushing!)..
I do look forward to meeting you one of these days, and until then, I so enjoyed reading the 7 things about you... you must have LOVED Midnight in Paris!
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