where light shone through crystals and time and life was cherished ......
Where believing in the future after a terrible tragedy was the only way forward.......
Where there was hope and courage amidst terrible adversity...
Where so many people had to start again from nothing ..... I can only imagine how terrible that would be ... where a little girl's dreams to play with her dollshouse could be realized again .....

This is my favourite ... so gorgeous and the pink monogrammed cushion on the white linen chair is so perfect and so welcoming .... just like Karina .... I am going to be visiting next year in New Orleans and we are going to have the best time..... I am also going to visit Lisa in New York and go to the Hamptons and also Anita, Kit and Alexandra if I can. Also, I wish to say that this blog is only for people with beautiful hearts and souls .....I do not have time in my life for ugliness or nastiness and nor will I tolerate it towards myself, my family or my friends. For my American friends this is just the beginning .... I am going to do posts on all of you who have been so kind to me ....
Anita ..... Castles, Crowns and Cottages
Lisa ..... Hamptontoes
Kit ..... Chic Provence
Alexandra .... My Pink Sketchbook
Victoria ....
Zhush .....
Red Ticking ...
Little Blue Deer .....
and many more ....
I am going to honour you all for being such wonderful friends .....
All images from Karina Gentinetta except for the storm .... unknown...
Karina is indeed a special person. Not only has she started again with her home but to take charge of her life and her career so magnificently is testament to her courage and her faith in herself. I am in total awe of Karina. Julienne
Deaest Frances, I am so overwhelmed with enchantment as I rush through my morning here at work; your story telling and the photos are exquisit....I need to come back this evening after work. THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH FOR THE MENTION of what I consider somethng very essential and simple: LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
You are a queen, and these lovely ladies as well are wonderful friends....peace to you and I will be back. Fondly, Anita
Beautiful post and you have certainly mentioned some most wonderful ladies!! They too have touched my heart and inspired me in so many ways!!! And your wonderful corner of BlogLand is always a breathe of fresh air and a pleasure to visit!! Looking forward to reading more .. XO HHL
Oh you are so lucky to be able to visit them next year. It will be totally amazing. i love her living room but all the pics are just beautiful.Fiona
Thank-you for your lovely comments and I must not forget the gorgeous "Queen Daisy" from La Petite Plume and she has a new blog as well. Also, the very talened "Paris Pastry" and her delectable feats in the kitchen.... especially her macarons!!!!! It is going to be so much fun! Have a wonderful day everyone.....
M.A.the 2nd
Good evening (for me!) dearest friend. This is a BEAUTIFUL post with the most GORGEOUS PHOTOS...is that first one with the enchanting chandelier and light yours? Again, I am honored to be your friend, to be named among these wonderful people, and that you would think of me. You are so beautiful....Anita
Dearest Anita .... thank-you so much. All of the photos belong to Karina at www.karinagentinetta.blogspot.com I wanted to do a post on her beautiful home and the top photo came from her blogspot .... it is gorgeous with the light reflecting/refracting through the prisms. (I think that is how they work!) Talk soon as I will need some information and photos on your renovations!
Dear Franny,
Is it any wonder that such Lovely people, as you have listed, took very little time to discover the Specialness of You......and in turn felt inspired to and assured in sharing the best of themselves knowing You would value, support and cherish them simply for who they are!
It only takes a little roll though a couple of Beautiful Blog pages to feel your warmth & generosity, Franny. I am privileged to feel it first hand but your Bloggy Kindred-Spirits have felt it across the miles.
I have long held onto these words by Mark Twain for times when......well you know........
....."Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you too, can become great. When you are seeking to bring big plans to fruition, it is important with whom you regularly associate. Hang out with friends who are like-minded and who are also designing purpose-filled lives. Similarly be that kind of friend to your friends."
You ARE that really Great kind of friend to your friends dear Franny.........and it seems, even those very 'special people' of yours you are yet to meet!
Til next time - take care,
Tonya X
Thanks so much Tonya ... you are so sweet and I can't wait to see our boys perform on stage together!!!!!
Hi Frances
I don't have my own blog but I love reading all the different design blogs> Yours is particularly beautiful and I enjoy it immensely Your house is fabulous and I am always looking at the interior design page. Really forget about the negatives it sounds like some people trawl around making ugly comments LIFE is too SHORT they just don't get it
Kind Regards
What a gorgeous home. I am so pleased for them that they have been able to rebuild their home and their lives. Thank you for sharing Karina's story:)
What lovely words Frances! You have such a kind and warming spirit that us fellow-bloggers are appreciative of. Thank you for sharing your father's wisdom. "We will not be overcome by adversity" - such a inspirational saying!
Beautiful photo's. I enjoy your blog thank-you!
Dear Frances, thank you so much for thinking of me and my family. I can't wait to meet you and your family in person. Thank you also for introducing me to all your lovely friends on this blog who also think as highly of you as I do. You exude kindness and make everyone want to be better than they are. You have an amazing soul!
Francis - your trip next year sounds spectacular. Such a beautiful post, with beautiful words.
Fabulous post! Agree that Karina is an inspiration and we can all learn from her.
Leeann x
karina's home is juwt like her : beautiful and welcoming.
Thanks for sharing her story
My Queen, your Royale Highness!!!
Merci merci for the including me among so many wonderful Queen's. I must say that I too love our Queen Anita... She is simply such a lovely person, talented and I love visiting her blog as well. She looks so beautiful in these images, just elegant, feminine and ROYALE!!! What a beautiful way to honour your blog friends:)) I know I speak for many of us when I say that I just think the world of you as well!!! You TRULY are very talented and beautiful:)) I LOVE visting your blog and reading the latest in your world of decor:)) Your beautiful children and all that you do in the land down under:)
Bravo! well done:))
Royal wishes and hugs,
Dear Franny! this is so beautiful about Karina...your writing is so beautiful, and the photos of her home..she is a lovely, adorable person..I met her in New Orleans last winter, her first day open in the shop. She has style, beauty, charm and tenacity. and she is so very kind.
Brava on a beautiful post!
I will of course be thrilled to see you next year on your trip here!! and am honored and excited to be included in your list...you are the soul of kindness and grace!
I may also be in New Orleans, I go there often, my brother lives nearby and I was born there...so maybe our paths cross then too?
much love
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