I have received the Happy 101 Award from Lisa at Hamptontoes and I am so honoured! I never thought that "blogging" would lead me to such beautiful people and such soulmates. You know what I mean..... there are those out there who get it and those who don't. A connection irrespective of age, gender, country or occupation. That is what is so amazing.... you in America and Canada, the Swedes, us Down Under, the gorgeous Great Britains, and the Fabulous French! There is something very powerful within this connection that defies all the terrible atrocities that happen in our world. I am so proud to be a part of it..... thank-you! You know maybe we can just make a difference!
So here goes.....
My List of 10 Things That Make Me Happy!
1. My husband, Andrew....the most amazing man and my gorgeous children Alexander 22, Dominic 17 and Georgiana 7 (the little princess!) They constantly give me joy, love, anxiety and an overwhelming sense of pride. I am so lucky to have them in my life.
2. My extended family who I have such an affinity with(especially my Mum) .... big Irish family! Love you all!
3. My beautiful friends who constantly fill up my life....thank-you!
4. Interior Design and Decoration... we are all obsessed.
5. Buckets full of roses and the perfect cupcake .......heaven!
6. A beautifully made bed with freshly laundered sheets and soft feather pillows! I am an ex registered nurse so bed-making became somewhat of an artform! I think I might do a live post on my blog of "How to Make the Perfect Bed".... Martha Stewart watch out!
7. The Ocean... walking on the beach and sailing on the water...you feel so peaceful and at one with the elements.
8. Books ... the smell of new books is intoxicating!
9. Travel .... especially France and discovering new frontiers is exhilarating!
10. Looking into someone's eyes and giving them your complete attention .... listening properly and acknowledging their importance in the world!
10 blogs I love ~ I will take Lisa's lead but I have to say her blog and her friendship is second to none!
Good night and enjoy these beautiful blogs!

You are too kind, lovely lady. I am so honored...and pleased I found your blog! Thank you so much!
Thank you my dear! I'm honored! Congratulations on the award! I will blog about ASAP. Have a lovely day!
Congratulations on your award! Your blog is lovely! Thank you so much for the honor of bestowing it on Chic Provence! I am thrilled!
Have a great day!
Oh, and it's very interesting to learn more about you..the ten things..I love the ocean/books/travel/France too....but I also understand your thing about making beds..a post on that would be great!
And bucketsful of roses and cupcakes? heaven!
Congratulations on the award, your blog is really beautiful and I'm so glad to have found it. THANK YOU, thank you, thank you for nominating me, WOW, my first ever blog award, I'm feeling so very honoured and happy. I will nominate my top 10 tomorrow, really sorry, but I can't fit it in today. Again, thanks! Lots of Love from London xo
Congrats and Thanks so much...I just love what you wrote! And agree with what you said about blogging! Please do the post on bed making, as I share such similar thoughts! And, nurses are some of my favorite people, and finally, its NOT possible that you have children that old?! I need to know what is in that Aussie water!
Thank-you all for your lovely and special comments! You all deserve these awards and it makes my day connecting with you....I was pretty young 22 when I had Alex and we have spread our children out!!!! But thank-you Zhush for your compliment (it does make me feel happy)...makeup is always a good thing! Kit I will do a post on bedmaking and the Zhush likes the idea as well ... I think it would be fun! In fact we could all do our favourite style of bed and bedding and Red Ticking I think would love it as well and Lisa at Hamptontoes! I am no going to work on my Easter post!
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